Friday, October 12, 2012

XTERRA World Championships is only 2 weeks away!

My ribs say "thank you we are doing much better.."
No, they haven't healed completely and sometimes I still find myself sort of "pulling on" the muscles surrounding the ribs, the pressure while under water but it's a definite improvement since the National Championships about 19 days ago..
My training has been going pretty good. With the weather turning colder and work staying pretty busy it's fairly difficult to find good time for a good bike ride outdoors. Instead I take advantage of the spin classes at United Tribes on Mondays and Wednesdays and ride my biek back-to-back for almost 2 hours to get in some extra time on the saddle. I also swim a lot more than even a few weeks ago.. Cross Country season has finally started and our first race in Aberdeen looked really good! My athletes did exactly as I said and I can't wait to see them today in Jamestown! I get out there to run a couple of times a week so I not only see them but I also feel that they have impoved over the past few weeks since we have been working together! They worked hard and finally they have received all their sweats, hoodies and jerseys so they can sure represent UTTC!

After a breezy Friday today I just can't wait though for this weekend when the weather should reach as high as 68 degrees! I will be sure out there riding on some of Bismarck-Mandan's bike trails..

Earlier this week I received some great news as United Tribes Technical College is able to support me get to the World's and it further inspires me to do everything for the success that is possible! Epic Sports, the club I ride for, will continue it's support and it's very likely that starting next year they might be able to extend their support!

Make sure to keep checking my website at where you can read a little bio about me, my recent accompishments and future plans! It's being worked on so this weekend I plan to add a lot more fun stuff on that website including THE CRASH I accompished at the Nationals in Ogden, Utah. It is hilarious!

I would like to thank all of your continuing support even by reading this blog! My goal is to motivate you that with some dedication you can sure accomplish a lot more than you think!

I will be back..

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